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Author Archives: Imarks

Bid Boosting On Bing: Discover The Untapped Value

Are you using bid modifiers in your Bing Ads campaigns? Columnist John Cosley explains what bid modifiers are and how bid boosting works.…
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Local Search Ranking Factors 2015

Dozens of variables to consider but the Google+ impact on local is over. The 2015 Local Search Ranking Factors report is out, and it’s a…
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Google Adds Dynamic Callout Extensions In AdWords

Automatically pull information about the business and products into text ads. Google launched callout extensions just over a year ago (hard to believe it’s already…
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Google Expands Commission-Based Hotel Ads Program

Book on Google ads now available on desktop in the US. Tuesday, Google announced the expansion of its commission-based advertising product for independent hotels. Google…
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