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Author Archives: Imarks

The Unfortunate Consequences Of Ignoring Links

Think it's enough to have great content and great PR? Think again. Columnist Andrew Dennis explores some high-profile examples of missed opportunities that…
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What Makes A Good SEO Program “Good”?

Search engine optimization (SEO) professionals can be quite critical of one another's techniques, but columnist Casie Gillette suggests that perhaps they just aren't…
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AdWords Adds Bulk Uploads For Shopping Campaigns

Now, manage product groups, bids, tracking templates and custom parameters using bulk operations. To help make management easier, Google has added bulk uploads…
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Google: Panda 4.2 Is Rolling Out Slowly For Technical Reasons

Google's John Mueller tries to explain why the Panda 4.2 rollout is happening so slowly over months and months. This morning, in a Google…
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