A Digital Marketing & Digital Media Company

Author Archives: Imarks

How To Massively Scale Ethical Link Building FTW

Working on the big brand, white-hat side of SEO for the last decade or so, I’ve seen plenty of flash-in-the-pan link building strategies…
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Google’s Penguin Algorithm Comes In Different Levels Of Degrees?

It may be the case that some sites impacted by Google’s Penguin update may not be as impacted as the next. Meaning, Google’s…
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Use Paid Promotion to Refine Your SEO and Make Your Visitors More Valuable

I recently found myself trying to give a client a rough estimate of the value organic traffic brought them. In the process of…
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How to Rebrand Your Social Media Accounts

Remember when Moz rebranded way back in May 2013? (Seems like a lifetime ago for this Mozzer, but, alas: startup life.) Well, since…
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