Google managed to stoke the rumor mill twice in the one day this past week with somewhat cryptic announcements, putting search marketers — many of whom are still weary from last year’s roll out of enhanced campaigns — on edge. First, the company released a statement on Wednesday saying many new updates to AdWords will […]
Category: <span>PPC</span>
Google has ended last fall’s test involving large brand banner ads on Amit Singhal, Google’s head of search, confirmed the experiment was over in his keynote at SMX West in San Jose, California yesterday. Google started the test in October 2013 with roughly 30 brands. The banners ads appeared at the top of brand […]
There are a lot slick opportunities out there in search marketing. The wheels of progress have never been greasier. Yep, since people first started paying to be included in search results, a lot of smooth transactions have taken place. Yet, for a whole lot of good reasons, search lacks certain criteria for brand building. Over […]
As Super Bowl advertisers rev up the heat on their promotional campaigns ahead of the big game, a handful are turning to paid search on both Google and the Yahoo Bing Network. Thousands of consumers are searching for “super bowl ads” according to Google. The advertisers showing up and paid search show they wisely have […]
As of November, Google garners just under 67% of the market for search. One would expect the distribution of budgets within a PPC portfolio would be in line with market share. The reality is quite the contrary: more often than not, AdWords represents closer to 85-90% of the budget and gets 95% of the internal […]