Constructing a Better Network for the World!

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The vast majority of online content creators fund and their work with advertising. That means they want the ads that run on their sites to be compelling, useful and engaging the people, and they want to see and interact with it. But the reality is that they are far from people meeting, annoying, disturbing ads on the web.

Constructing a better network for the world

The kind that shrieks music unexpectedly, or forces you to wait for few seconds before you can see the content on the page. These frustrating experiences can lead some people to block all ads from the content creators, web developers, and graphics who depend on ads to fund their content creation. We believe online ads should be better. That’s why we joined the alliance for better ads, an industry group dedicated to improving online ads.

They recently announced for the better ads standards which provide clear, public, data-driven guidance for how the industry can improve ads for consumers.

Some new tools for publishers

The new Ad experience report helps publishers to understand how to get Better Ads Standards apply to their own websites. To maintain a sustainable web for everyone, and for the publishers with good ad experiences to get paid for their work.

With Capital Adoptions, publishers can show a customized message to visitors using an ad blocker, inviting them to either enable ads on their site or pay for a pass that removes all ads on that site through the new Google Contributor.

Observing our past few years, we’ve come to realize that the rise of ad blockers has negatively impacted potential revenue across all of our assets. Capital Adoptions allows us to have a conversation with visitors using ad blockers on how our business works, and provide them a choice to the wish list or contribute to our news studio.

We’ve found that people generally understand how content gets created.

Chrome support for the Better Ads Standards

Chrome has always focused on giving you the best possible experience browsing the web as it prevents pop-ups in new tabs based on the fact that they are annoying in other industry groups, we plan to have Chrome stop showing ads including those owned or served by Google on websites that are not compliant with the Better Ads Standards starting in early 2018.

We believe these changes will ensure all content creators, big and small, can continue to have a sustainable way to fund their work with online advertising.

We look forward to working with the alliance as they develop marketplace guidelines for supporting the better Ads standards, and they are committed to working closely with the entire industry.

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