How to Explore Your Business via SMS Marketing.

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You may think using SMS Marketing is old and out of date but we’re here to show you that it’s one of the best ways to engage your audience.

As marketers, we’re constantly thinking up creative ways to get our message out to existing and potential customers; whilst also ensuring we get good results from our efforts. Mobile marketing is no longer something you can afford to put on the to-do-list for the future; you need to make sure you’re on a mobile device, now.

SMS Marketing 2

 For those of you who haven’t considered the benefits of using SMS marketing yet, here we share a handful of ways that you can use SMS marketing to market your business.

User Mobile-friendly

Making your business mobile-friendly is no longer something to consider later. Mobile is here and it’s not going anywhere. SMS is compatible with pretty much every mobile phone so you won’t need to worry about alienating some users, or getting your customers on board with brand new technologies.


Most service providers will offer simple delivery reporting to check your messages have successfully been sent. If you’re looking for more intelligent tracking, the top players in SMS marketing will not only tell you when your messages have been sent successfully, but will also provide you with details on who, what and when links have been clicked ensuring you get the most from your campaigns.

Client will love it

SMS is a really simple and accessible way of engaging with each other, it is heads and shoulders above any other communication method in terms of read rate. Most people send and receive text messages on a daily basis so we know your customers will like, have access to and know how to use SMS.


Most of us don’t leave the house without our mobile phone, in fact it’s probably within arms-reach 24/7. Besides meeting face-to-face or calling each customer, I can’t think of a more direct way to communicate your message whilst ensuring the message is delivered straight into the right hands, at the right time.


There’s no long waiting time for designs to be mocked up or campaigns to be printed, just decide what your message is, sending a bulk SMS to your customers takes no longer than sending a text on your own phone. So, not only will you free up some precious time, but with over 95% of messages read within 3 minutes of being received you could see results immediately.


As we try and fudge our busy lives, it can sometimes feel like we have too much information to take in. Emails go unread, adverts ignored and leaflets discarded. SMS is small and simple and gets the message across instantly without any messing around.

Generate Leads

Keywords are easy to set-up on an SMS shortcode and can be anything from your brand name to a memorable word. Advertise your keyword on your website, printed media or in your store, allowing customers to opt-in to your mailing list. This provide you with lots of new contacts to communicate with but it also generates an instant lead with little effort required from you or your customer.


SMS campaign are affordable for all budgets of all shapes and sizes, but you’ll also see a healthy return on investment from SMS marketing.

If rise in sales and improving communication with customers are on your list of resolutions this year, but you don’t have a strong budget and hours of spare timeSMS is a small, yet powerful, marketing tool not to be overlooked.

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